I admit it – I absolutely love living history museums. Walking down the road in Sturbridge Village, Massachusetts I was an 1830’s farm wife in town to trade butter and cheese for a new tin lantern and a pair of leather shoes. This effect is strengthened by great care to detail and actors who have often actually done the trade they are demonstrating for many years. “How long have you practiced this trade?” I asked the shoemaker “Oh, about 30 years or so.” he replied enthusiastically. Watching the hands of the potter my daughter and I were transfixed by his ability to pull pots out of mounds of native red clay and the tinsmith made the difficult task of bending sharp sheets of metal to his will look effortless. The 200 acre setting on the Quinebaug River is peaceful and lovely. Even with determined effort and a full afternoon we only made it through a small part of the village and will save the river walk and boat ride for the next visit.
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