I have a dog that just loves fresh veggies; pea vines, baby collard greens, arugula, you name it, he wants it. As I have a small urban yard this has set up quite a dilemma, he needs a place to do his business, lounge and play and I need more, more and more planting space. Last year I thought I had the answer by dividing the yard with a charming rustic fence. He found it delightful and especially enjoyed the rustic part as it allowed him plenty of room to zip under the fence and eat what he wanted.

I decided less picturesque was called for and added in a nice layer of chicken wire along the bottom. This stymied him for a bit but soon tell tale paw prints were back in my sacred beds. Clearly it was time to up the defenses and I added more branches and wire.

Looking out the back window I could see him casting furtive glances to see if he was being observed. When he thought the coast was clear he joyfully hurled himself against the weak places until with triumph, he was through and the pea vines were his. No amount of “bad dogging” deterred him from his quest and the battle was on. I gave him more walks, a bit more food and reinforced the fence.

Quite happy with myself I thought I had won this little war until last night I found not only dug up beds but carefully placed piles of poo and a thoroughly scattered compost pile as well. Charm went out the window and by streetlight I wired long expanses of green wire fencing dug in at the bottom and secured with rocks – those vines are mine!
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