I love May Day. I love the rich pagan heritage that lies behind it and I love the ending of winter and the coming of summer.
In days gone by English villagers woke up early on May first and gathered blossoming flowers and branches and set up a maypole. This poll was decorated with flowers and ribbons then people danced and sang around it. The prettiest girl in town was picked as the Queen of the May. Young girls gathered dew before sunrise and to ensure clear skin and lasting beauty, they would wash their faces with the cold pure water.
May Day is also known as Beltane. This is one of four seasonal festivals which include Samhain, Imbolc and Lugnasadh. To ensure a bountiful harvest and strong animals rituals of fire and fertility would be carried out. Two bonfires would be lit and animals would be led through them and people would dance around them to make them strong and ready for summer. The Green Man is still associated with this festival, have you seen him looking out of the forest on a clear cold morning?
Maiwein is drunk in Germany and is made with white wine, sweet woodruff and strawberries. Other delicious foods eaten on May Day are honey cakes, ginger beer and deviled eggs with a big green salad.
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